when I felt like I was piloting a box kite. I’m going to keep riding with the full load from now on as my departure date of April 6 approaches.
My plan is to camp as much as possible on this journey or at least avoid staying in motels. I will be relying on the kindness of strangers as well as the not so strange for assistance as I make my way north. I invite you to check out the route map and if you have family or friends along the way who might be willing to offer yard space for my tent and maybe even a shower, I would really appreciate hearing from you. You can drop me a line at pat@wuwf.org.
Last week I met Brice Nelson, a fellow cyclist from Iowa who was travelling through our area on his way around the world. He has set aside $10,000 and the next ten years of his life to accomplish this. Accordingly, he has a budget of $3.00 a day. He has already traveled over 2,000 miles and is doing a pretty good job of staying within budget. Needless to say, he is very good at the fine art of talking his way into food and accommodations. I’m taking notes.
Thanks for all the great comments and encouragement. I’ve enjoyed the discussion about dogs and appreciate the good advice. I’m hoping I won’t have to use any of it, but I feel well prepared nonetheless. Stay tuned for more updates …
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