when I felt like I was piloting a box kite. I’m going to keep riding with the full load from now on as my departure date of April 6 approaches.
My plan is to camp as much as possible on this journey or at least avoid staying in motels. I will be relying on the kindness of strangers as well as the not so strange for assistance as I make my way north. I invite you to check out the route map and if you have family or friends along the way who might be willing to offer yard space for my tent and maybe even a shower, I would really appreciate hearing from you. You can drop me a line at pat@wuwf.org.
Last week I met Brice Nelson, a fellow cyclist from Iowa who was travelling through our area on his way around the world. He has set aside $10,000 and the next ten years of his life to accomplish this. Accordingly, he has a budget of $3.00 a day. He has already traveled over 2,000 miles and is doing a pretty good job of staying within budget. Needless to say, he is very good at the fine art of talking his way into food and accommodations. I’m taking notes.
Thanks for all the great comments and encouragement. I’ve enjoyed the discussion about dogs and appreciate the good advice. I’m hoping I won’t have to use any of it, but I feel well prepared nonetheless. Stay tuned for more updates …
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A few years ago a friend and I backpacked across the Pacific Northwest from San Fransisco to a town 50 miles north of Vancouver, about 1,000 miles. It took us most of the summer but enjoyed every inch of the journey.
The really amazing thing was all the people who befriended us, invited us into their homes and fed us. I think you will find on your bike trip that people are really good at heart and will welcome you every chance they get.
Good luck, I'll be following your progress!
It looks like you will be going through Tupelo. I think our local scouts would love to meet you and hear about your adventure. If you'd like to do that I'll see what we can arrange, maybe a pot luck supper? We are supporters of PRM.
I am just curious, will you call ahead and let the local cops know you are coming through? I didn't see if you have a team doing that.
Will you tent just in offical campgrounds or take your chances in the wild?
Don't give up any secrets but I hope you have more than a can of dog spray for protection.
Atkins family,
Thanks for the offer. The closest I get to Tupelo is Fulton - it looks like it's about 20 miles away. I would love to visit with the scouts and eat some pot luck. If I'm ahead of schedule, I should be able to make the detour, or maybe meet you half way. You can contact me directly at pat@wuwf.org. I look forward to hearing from you.
I appreciate your concern. I am traveling solo with no team, but I am reasonably risk aversive. I won't camp "in the wild", but rather on private property (with the owner's permission, of course)or at bonafide campgrounds. I won't be carrying anything more dangerous than dog spray. I have a great deal of faith in the goodness of my fellow man. When I walked from Florida to Washington in 2007, the kindness of strangers was truly inspiring. I anticipate nothing less this time around.
Thanks for the kind words, Richard. I am ready to roll and eager to get out there and meet some more great people.
Good luck on your journey. It sounds like a fantastic adventure, and I think you're correct in your belief that people are good. I'm sure you will enjoy their generosity and kindness.
My son did a bike trip through Europe when he was 25. His mother fought him tooth and nail about it but he had his own money and his own determinatiion and he did it. His video tapes of the people he met are precious to us now. He never met anyone he did not like and I assume nobody he met disliked him. Godspeed and please remember our son in your prayers.
Hi Pat,
I am psyched about your trip! I plan to keep up with you every day!
I wish you a safe and "totally eventful" journey!
Hi Pat, We prayed for you to be safe from harm and for you to have a "blast" as you pedal your way into the hearts of your "fans".It is a beautiful, sunny ,cool day for you to start your journey.The wind might be a problem,however. I will be watching for word from you.
Hi again Pat,
I love cycling and have read a lot of adventures written by cyclists. This is the first time I have had the excitement of hearing about the event as it unfolds. I know I'm way off the "curve". Way to go ,Pat! You seem like such an upbeat guy,seeing the best in everything.
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