The good roads and outstanding weather today more than made up for the challenges of yesterday. Although it started out a bit chilly (one degree below freezing), the clear skies and bright sunlight soon warmed it up to a pleasant 60 degrees.
The scenery today was magnificent as I scaled more than one escarpment. The climbs here are more challenging than either Tennessee or Kentucky, with the elevation rising as much 1,800 feet over a distance of only a few miles.

This picture is of Credit Creek near the town of Terra Cotta. With it being Victoria Day, there were a lot of Canadians trout fishing near this spot. There were also many folks enjoying the day cycling – I must have seen at least a hundred bikers. Canada is really trying to promote cycling and the drivers here are very polite.

Today I did my Q&A session with my friends at Ransom Middle School from a phone booth – remember those? Actually, this booth was not operative (I really thought it looked very British), but I did find a more updated version in Georgetown. It is hard to believe that I will be in Owen Sound on Wednesday and most likely back home in Pensacola by the end of the week. This has been a great adventure, but it will be good to be home again.
The weather forecast for the next two days looks good, so I should have a couple more days of enjoyable riding. I hope to be in Collingwood tomorrow night and then Owen Sound is a half-day ride from there. Check back with me tomorrow and thanks again for your encouragement and support.
Large versions of all my blog pics can be found at my photo gallery
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Oh my gosh, you found the Tardis!
Looks like it would have been a good trip
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