Built in the 1840s by William and Catharine Hubbard and known as “Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard” and “The Great Emporium” by runaway slaves, the Hubbard House was an important terminus on the Underground Railroad.
The Hubbards sheltered escaped slaves who had successfully crossed the Ohio River and made their way north to Ashtabula. From here, the slaves walked one quarter mile to the Hubbard and Company warehouse on the Ashtabula River, where friendly boat captains waited to ferry them to freedom in Canada.
In addition to the Hubbard House, Ashtabula County had over thirty known Underground Railroad safe houses, and many more conductors. Nearly two-thirds of those sites still stand today. Ashtabula County was also instrumental in John Brown's famous attack on the Federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia. Brown stored many of his weapons at the King and Brothers cabinet shop in Cherry Valley. He later shipped them to the Kennedy farm at Harper's Ferry. Of the nineteen men who charged the arsenal with John Brown, Sr., thirteen were from Ashtabula County. Dangerfield Newby was the first of Brown's followers to fall mortally wounded. A former runaway slave from a Virginia plantation, he lived in Dorset and worked as a conductor on the UGRR in Ashtabula County.
Ashtabula is also known for the Great Ashtabula Train Bridge Disaster of 1876, the worst train bridge disaster in US history. Over 91 people perished, including Peter Paul Bliss, the man who coined the phrase "gospel music." He worked with Ira Sankey, the well-known song leader for Reverend D.L. Moody, the man who created the Moody Bible Institute. Legend has it that Bliss was able to free himself from the burning wreckage - his wife was not. He returned to the flaming car to rescue her. Unable to free her, he waited with her while the inferno engulfed them both.

That will be my last stop before heading into Pennsylvania in the morning. I have now traveled 1,786 miles since leaving Pensacola on April 6th. For you dollar-a-dog contributors, the dog chase count since I started keeping track in northern Mississippi is 45.
Thanks again for your contributions, your comments, and your thoughts and prayers. They all keep me going. Check back tomorrow to find out where I end up. Peace be with you ...
Large versions of all my blog pics can be found at my photo gallery
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We guess that Niagara is your last major milestone before your destination.Your last 400 miles may be the prettiest of all and we hope the weather holds for you.
May the Lord continue to hold you in the palm of his hand. M and S
Pat, they make a mean scrapple breakfast up around Erie. Pan fried with fresh apple slices and served with maple syrup. Heavens! It's tasty!
You're one lucky person to see all those sceneries. Lake Erie is beautiful and the roads around it are a joy to travel on. Good luck on your travels,
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