Riding through Canada is interesting – the people are very friendly and the roads are good for the most part. If it wasn’t for the speed limit signs all being metric, I would think I was still in New York. The weather tomorrow is looking better, so I am anticipating some good riding and picture-taking as I leave Lake Ontario and head Northwest toward Owen Sound. If I maintain my current pace, I should arrive there on Wednesday. Yahoo!
I know this blog is brief, but all I did was ride, ride, ride today. Thanks for riding along – catch you tomorrow ...
Large versions of all my blog pics can be found at my photo gallery
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You're almost there!The roads on the map are straight and squared so it must be flat there.Tell us about the countryside for most of us will never get there. Is that farm country or forests? I guess your pix will show us.
The weather is supposed to improve and we all hope you finish with a full bag of happy memories.Sam and Marcia
"Arms, hands, bars, knees
Spinning blur, fast trees
Heart bangs, tires sing
Wind roars, gears ching
Climbing grade, sweat drips
Heavy legs, a couple sips
Breathing deeper, suck the air
Crest a hill, pedals tear
Feel no pain, feel no burn
Still time to go another turn
Mind is clear, thighs are tight
Rolling speed, wheeled flight
This is for Bike Poet.You need to publish that poem.It's a winner! Let's have another for the grand finale....the Boneys
Thank you, Boneys! Just what I feel when on my bike, I ride to school and back home again so I can't wait to get out of bed and get on the road, likewise at the end of my day, I get to ride! If I get in trouble, I get to ride. If no one loves me I get to ride. No matter what, I get to ride! Hit me, hurt me, sue me, flunk me, no matter what, I get to ride!
Bike poet is good! I agree, please write something for Pat's finale, he is a very good man.
@ Bike Poet : dude you are awesome. keep it up!
Pat! almost there man. keep it up! god bless!
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