I have certainly been blessed with good weather on this trip, so I have no reason to complain.

The grapes are still dormant this time of year, but the vineyards and surrounding countryside are really beautiful. I am seeing a part of Pennsylvania (and New York for that matter) I have never experienced before. It seems hard to believe that day after tomorrow I will be crossing the Peace Bridge from Buffalo into Canada. From there it’s another 281 miles to Owen Sound. What a grand adventure this has been! Your comments, contributions, prayers and good thoughts have really carried me along – thank you!
Tomorrow I continue heading east along the lake. When I reach Buffalo on Friday I will turn north again and head straight for Owen Sound. I’m not sure how well I will be able to communicate once I am in Canada, but we’ll find out soon enough. Have a good evening, stay well, and check back tomorrow for the latest update.
Large versions of all my blog pics can be found at my photo gallery
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Bully for you!!! We certainly hope you can get blogs through as you finish.Perhaps you can get the Canadians to carry the bagpipes,too.Maybe your benefactor would let you play them as you celebrate your return home and still give you the donation.That would make a royal finish and we'd all come to the party.
Make sure you get one of those back bacon, egg,and dill pickle sandwiches! Sounds a bit odd but they are delicious, especially on toasted sourdough bread with hot mustard and sauerkraut.
The Canadian Dollar is $1.17 US, so you'll be spending a bit more up there, not a lot, just 17 cents for each dollar. The back bacon is good but try the moose burgers, mighty tasty!
Strong with you The Force is, Patrick. Yes, soon now will be you in The Great White North. No wise Jedi Burgers of Moose will eat. Stay with The Force. Great it is in you.
Dear Pat...Have been a bit busy....I have been trying to keep up on the radio reports each morning...You are to be commended for such great work ...the history lessons are superb...Belive me we did not have anything close to what you are teaching us about the underground railroad when I was in school ....I hope the schools here in Pensacola are using your blogs in their history classes...Please write a book and donate the profits to public radio...I will definitely buy one...So you have not seen anymore camels...
Well,rest easy I will make that contribution to benefit public radio...Hope the tent is fairing better after the storm..been there, done that...Take care and may the swartz be with you and hope you have a great ending when you reach Owens Bay,Ontario...Be safe....With admiration, James W.Stegall
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