Instead, it ended up being a great day for riding. A very strong wind blowing from the southwest moved most of the rain clouds away as the morning progressed and rewarded me with a wonderful tail wind for most of the day. The storm clouds returned later, but I was able to maintain a good pace and made it the 78 miles to Oberlin without any rainfall.
Tonight I am being hosted by Ken Sloane and Lisa Shomo, a couple of avid cyclists who ride all over the world. They are exceedingly gracious, a trait I have found to be rather common among the biking community. Tomorrow morning after I participate in Holy Eucharist at Oberlin’s Christ Episcopal Church, I am going to visit the numerous Underground Railroad sites in this great college town. I already know that Oberlin College has the distinction of being the first college in America to admit both male and female students of all races. If the weather cooperates, I will take lots of pictures to document this historic town and share some more history about it in my blog tomorrow night.
One of Oberlin’s distinguished alums is Les Matheson, who is also a great supporter of WUWF. Les has pledged a dollar a mile for Ohio part of my trek and a big bonus contribution if I can connect with one of his fellow pipers and get him on one of my live reports. Stay tuned!
I have been studying my maps tonight and it is quite possible that I may reach Owen Sound within the next 10-12 days – yippee! I wish the total dollars raised for WUWF as a result of my efforts was as far along. If you have been waiting for the big finish, DON’T WAIT! Every dollar you contribute goes directly to pay for the programs you enjoy, so do yourself a favor. Don’t make me have to send Garrison packing when I get home.
Remember, I am on my own, covering ALL of the costs of this journey – that’s MY contribution to the cause. Please consider the importance of supporting public radio in these tough times. I know you have to choose what you can support – I hope you make WUWF one of your choices. Thank you for helping us to get this far and for making this adventure something I will never forget.
Check back with me tomorrow for the real story on Oberlin.
Peace be with you!
Large versions of all my blog pics can be found at my photo gallery
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Those Amish boys look pretty tough, probably out for a Saturday of buttermilk and mischief! Seriously, Northern Ohio is drop dead beautiful and I have always envied the Amish, the Mennonites and the Quakers for their simple life and simple gifts.
We just made a pledge for the bike trip and we are huge public radio fans.
That one Amish kid does look kinda mean, what with that big stick he has in his hand. I think these guys are past the buttermilk stage and are probably into sour cream and chives! I jest, I love the Amish. Keep well, Pat and we all look forward to your return to UWF next month.
Pat, make sure you buy o loaf of Freindship Bread! The Amish make it and should be available in stores up there. Each loaf takes 10days to make and it is absolutely delish! Also the Pennsylvania Amish are known for their Whoopie Pies, I don;t know if the Ohio Amish make them but they are so very, very good! Eat well and stay safe!
Caroline, don't forget about the pork chops with sauerkruat and potatoes, cabbage soup, sticky chicken and apple dumplings! Amish food is the best! Pure, simple and deliscious! No wonder the kids don't want to 'Go English' they know a good thing when they see it!
Try the Hanky Pankies up there!They are pancakes made with sausage, cheese, and a touch of Worchestershire sauce. A staple of NE Ohio!
Pat, Ken and I just returned from our ride to Medina (to see my folks) and I received a phone call inquiring of you and if you had found a place to stay here in Oberlin. Ken was in the shower so I came up to tell him about the conversation and as I walked past the guest room I had to smile........how thoughtful of you to make the bed!! You are a damn good man and there are few of you left!! (you can quote me on that)
It was such a pleasure to have you with us and I hope we didn't bore you to tears with our adventure stories of cycling. I do hope you come back to visit and, of course, bring your fiance! We would so much love that!
Stay strong..and may the wind be always at your back.
Lisa and Ken
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