Your comments are great! Several of you are taking the dollar-a-dog challenge, so I will keep you updated daily with a head count of the number of bonafide chases since I started keeping track (too bad I didn’t start tracking from day one – Alabama had quite a few). I only consider a dog encounter a “chase” if the dog actually gets in the road with me and goes for it. Barking while fenced, tied up, or merely running along with me but not leaving the yard doesn’t count. Using that criteria, here are my stats since last Wednesday (4/15):
4/15: 17 (in only 30 miles!)
4/16: 0 (good for me, bad for fundraising)
4/17: 4
4/18: 7
Okay, that’s it so far. On the one hand, I want to raise a lot of money, but I really don’t enjoy getting chased. Oh well, we might as well have fun with this – I am! If the weather doesn’t shut me down, I’ll be heading for the Land Between the Lakes and Kentucky in the morning.
Large versions of all my blog pics can be found at my photo gallery.
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Man, you turned down a fried bologna sandwich for a cheeseburger? Lol! At least you got the chess cake and a picture with Cissie Lynn!
I laughed at your comment about the critters investigating your tent, I have had the same thing happen. At least you didn't get a curious bear checking you out.
Good luck tomorrow and keep on bloggin'
Pat, I heard your live commentary Friday morning that you were going to stay at Mousetail Landing Friday night. That brought back some wonderful memories for me. In the summer of 2000 my husband and I brought our 34' sailboat down the Mississippi River to Cairo, Ill, then turned off onto the Ohio and then onto the Tennessee River and the Tenn-Tom, eventually coming down to Mobile Bay. We then turned east and travelled the ICW to Niceville, FL where we live today. We stayed at the Mousetail Landing Park on our journey. And when we stayed at Cuba Landing Marina in Waverly, Tenn, we signed the contract via fax machine to sell our house in South Dakota, so we were truly "homeless boat people" there for a while. Sending a check to the station for your fundraising efforts!
You missed Frog Jump and Bra'zil and other fine locales in west TN,but are in the prettiest part between the lakes.Good luck with the hills in Kentucky.
there are many beautiful spots along the river between there and Louisville.God speed! the Boneys
The weekend of May 16th, 2009, our Pensacola based non-profit will be bringing in 150 severely injured veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan for a bike Rally. Please visit www.escarosaindependenceweekend.com to learn more.
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