After a breakdown in communications while camping in the wild last night, it was more than a pleasant surprise while rolling along the waterfront in Brandenburg, KY to stumble upon the Main Street Café.
It's an Internet café in a restored historic property overlooking the Ohio River.

This place is a blogger’s dream come true - great food and connectivity! If you come anywhere near Brandenburg, a visit to the Main Street Café is a must.

Apparently I was in an area where competing service providers don’t play nice, so I was shut out by one of Verizon’s competitors. By tomorrow I should be in a friendlier cell zone again.

Underground Railroad, shepherding runaway slaves across the river to freedom.

Large versions of all my blog pics can be found at my photo gallery.
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Incredible photos, as usual, Patrick. Keep up the good work and sleep snug in the "churchyard."
It was a blessing to share communion with you at Holy Trinity this morning. Good luck on your journey. I have the photos we took if you would like them, let me know how to get them to you. I have posted them at facebook as well.
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