It was not a “have it your way” kind of place – what you get is four generous portions of fish squeezed between two pieces of Bunny Bread and garnished with ketchup.

I was unsuccessful in getting anyone to answer the phone at the campground, so I asked a gentleman who was putting some supplies in his truck in downtown Gainesville about camping possibilities.

Since that time the town has lost most of its industry and the population has dwindled to around 200 folks, but it is a beautiful and serene place. Charles works out of New Orleans, but he and his wife Margaret chose to settle in Gainesville (her hometown) to raise their four children.

YUM!! We enjoyed a great meal and conversation around the campfire before calling it a night.
I really appreciated their hospitality and allowing me to share some time with them in their little piece of paradise.

Because there are not enough people to support that many churches, the four take turns, each one taking one Sunday a month.
The combined congregations worship together at the designated church each Sunday.

I particularly enjoyed visiting with Miss Daisy Pruitt (she’s on the right in this photo) and the other Matriarchs of Gainesville.

I’ll be talking by phone to John Lowe’s 8th graders at Ransom Middle School in just a bit. I’m looking forward to that and to another beautiful day on the road.
Large versions of all my blog pics can be found at my photo gallery.
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Beans and meat cooked on an open fire with skillet corn bread; fersh river cat sandwiches, man you are eating high on the hog! I bet you never look at a hambuger the same way ever again. Keep safe and God Bless.
PS start collecting some of those recipes!
mr tuffy tire liners work great. it's a dorky name but i have never had a flat while riding with them in my tires.
I wonder if your catfish stand "near Eppes" isn't the same one we found in Gainesville called "Mama's Grill." Our hungry group just couldn't get enough of Mama's catfish sandwiches.
I have several pictures posted at: http://www.crazyguyonabike.com/doc/steve2008. Look for the entry "Linden to Aliceville."
Following your ride with great interest!
I am enjoying following your trip. I am from Nashville, TN and plan to do the same trip beginning in Mobile on May 11. Keep the tips coming!
I am enjoying following your blog. I am from Nashville, TN and plan to ride the UGRR beginning May 11 from Mobile. Keep the tips on the road coming!
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