Listening to their views on politics, religion, or whatever is on their minds is fascinating. Spend a few weeks with folks like these and you will really develop a sense of the American spirit and guess what - it’s nothing like the pundits, politicos, and other wackos who dominate the mainstream media would have you believe.

On the other hand, it also played a major role in the marketing and transportation of slaves to Louisiana and elsewhere in the Deep South. In fact, the expression “sold down the river” originated in Kentucky.
I’m still feeling great and making good progress. Your comments and encouragement are most appreciated, as are your contributions in support of public radio. I am thoroughly enjoying every aspect of this adventure, but let’s not forget that the main reason I am doing this is to raise money to pay for the programs you enjoy on WUWF. And EVERY PENNY raised is going directly to that cause – I am covering all of my expenses (food, equipment, supplies, lodging) with my own money.
Tomorrow I continue to follow the winding roads along both sides of the Ohio River, weaving in and out of Kentucky and Indiana over the next few days. Keep tuning into WUWF for my morning (7:35am) and afternoon (4:30pm) reports from the road, and check back here tomorrow for my next blog. Thanks for coming along!
Large versions of all my blog pics can be found at my photo gallery.
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How was the grub at Del's? How you reached the DeGritification Line yet? That's the point north where restaurants stop automatically putting grits on your plate no matter what you order. I once ordered pancakes in a tiny little Georgia town and sure enough it came with a side of grits! Yum!
Once you get into western Ohio, be sure to try the Cincinnati-Style chili! It is out of this world!
Hello Pat, are you out there? We missed your blog report for Friday, hope all is well!
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