It has been another fabulous day of riding in North Mississippi. When I left Fulton this morning, it was cold and dreary, but by early afternoon the sun shone brightly and it was all good. By the time I took this picture coming in Tishomingo, I felt like Mother Nature was giving me her full embrace.

I was well rested after a great evening with Carl and Nan Comer and so appreciative of their fine Southern hospitality. I went off route today to check out one of the many locks I have been passing as I rode alongside the Tennessee Tombigbee Waterway. The lock at Bay Springs caught my attention because of its sheer size.

You can see in this picture how it dwarfs the barge being pushed inside. I learned that it is the third largest lock in America, with the water level from the low to the high side rising 88 feet. Here is a shot of the high side of the dam. I had a picnic on the shore and watched the barge make the trip through the lock. One of the benefits of this trip is taking the time to observe things like this.

While I was exploring Bay Springs Lake, I came across this old frontier cabin. Apparently this was a fairly common design by early settlers to the area and was often used to house two families. The cooking area was separated from the sleeping area by the open porch. They were given the nickname “dog trot” cabins because the dogs could run through the common area.

For part of the trip today the Underground Railroad Route joined the Natchez Trace. This was a beautiful ride, but far too short – only ten miles. I, of course, stretched it to twenty-two miles by riding in the wrong direction for six miles. No surprise here. Oh well, it was worth seeing that stretch twice!
Thanks for all the great comments I’m getting. Ken B. – thanks for the dining tips. I eagerly anticipated those fist-sized hush puppies at Country Boys, but alas, they have gone out of business – bummer! If all goes well tomorrow, I will be crossing into Tennessee by midday. I am now a quarter of the way to Owen Sound, Ontario! Having you follow along online really means a lot to me – I never feel alone out here. See you tomorrow!
Large versions of all my blog pics can be found at my
photo gallery.
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Sorry to hear about Country Boy's being closed, it has been a few years since I ate there while on a fishing trip.
Can't believe your almost in Tennessee! Good going!
Hey isn't the Tishomingo Blues the music for the Prairie Home Companion theme song? I remember the original lyrics are something like this, at least the way my Big Mama sang them:
I'm goin' to Tishomingo,
Because I'm sad today,
I wish to linger,
Way down old Dixie way.
Oh, my weary heart cries out in pain,
Oh, how I wish that I was back again!
Watch out for those Tennessee hills!
Wow! I found your blog and story through a friend and what you are doing is fantastic!
I live in Toronto and when you get close if you want a riding partner or need a hand for anything please get in touch.
I'll be following you every step of the way. Keep the rubber side down.
I love the Trace, "dog trot" cabins, and Bay Springs where we had our boat. I'm so glad you got to see them. What did you eat on that picnic??? You wouldn't take any food. Hope you find some good hushpuppies. It's great to keep up with your progress.
Really enjoying the photos and stories about your adventure! Who drew the wonderful cartoon of the doggie bicycler and his teammates? Thanks, Pat, for a super armchair vacation!
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